Sugam Sahitya

There are many very important things we as Bharatiyas have to know. Be it about the old wisdom we had or the science and literature we own. Due to many reasons it is away from us due to various reasons. Be it our ignorance, non-availibility, its vastness, the language, its various interpretations, Time constarints etc. But it can actually ignite the bharatiyattva in us.

What if we make small booklets on various important issues, books, karma kanda etc.

It is planned to make small booklets on:

  • Vidhi Vidhan, including how to perform some rituals like various Poojas, Sandhyavandana, Stotras etc.
  • Important stories of great people and visionaries like Swami Vivekananda, Saints of India etc.
  • Short stories from Puranas.
  • Different sanskars, when, how, why? etc.
  • Important stotras, mantras and subhashitas.
  • Works on ancient Bharatiya history, Sacred books etc.
  • Different traditions, rituals, festivals and events, why, where, how? Etc
  • Exploring Bharat, its important places, monuments, contributions to Humanity, Very important history etc.

There are many more things which should be brought in a nutshell, easy to understand and refer, understand its logic and idea ultimately making us wise, knowledgeable and proud of our rich heritage.